Ball Point Game

My name is Dr. Frederick Fronkensteen

My vision is to create an army of cyborgs to help us with our daily chores

To do this I need to collect a large batch of DNA samples

I need you, willing workers, to help me realise this vision…

  • The point of this game is to pass as many balls as possible through every team member in 2 minutes
  • The team gets a point for each ball passed through every member of the team provided that the first person to touch that ball is also the last
  • There are up to 5 iterations
  • Before each iteration the team estimates how many balls they think they will pass through the team
  • At the end of each iteration the actual number of balls passed is recorded
  • You are one big team
  • Every ball must have air-time
  • A dropped ball is considered contaminated and must be rejected
  • You can't pass a ball to a neighbour to your immediate left or right
  • All balls must end where they started
  • Each iteration will last 2 minutes
  • You will have 1 minute between each iteration for planning
  • We will play up to 5 iterations

Start 1 minute countdown

Start 2 minute countdown

  • Deming Cycle - plan, do, check, act
  • Scrum - inspect and adapt
  • Estimating is hard
  • It takes a lot of time
  • It's often wrong
  • The value needs to be proven
  • Split into two equal groups
  • First group form a circle facing outwards
  • Second group stand opposite inner making an outer circle facing inwards
  • Outer circle offset by half
  • Starting with one player, pass to diagonal player
  • Richard Herbert
  • [email protected]
  • @agilemix
  • +44 (0)7717 846090